Clyde & Co
Clyde & Co is a dynamic, rapidly expanding global law firm with a focus on the core sectors of aviation, energy, infrastructure, insurance, marine, and trade. They have over 1,800 lawyers working in 45 offices around the world and counting. We were asked to redevelop the site we created 6 years ago with the objective of focussing on the core sectors the firm works in and providing clear links to the people working in these sectors. The responsive site combines a simple, intuitive structure with a visually exciting design.

The staff profile pages are commonly the most visited pages of a law firm's website. Multi-faceted search and Google-style instant search suggestions were used to make it easy to find a partner with relevant expertise.

Interactive maps allow users to drill down to information on regions and locations where Clyde & Co are active.

Clyde & Co's editorial teams publish new content daily, so it was crucial to feature relevant articles throughout the website. The dedicated insight section is designed to provide a newspaper-like browsing experience.